Thursday, December 4, 2014


The current topic today is NO INDICTMENT for the NYC cop that used the ILLEGAL choke hold to kill Eric Garner.......are we surprised? No, we are not surprised but considering we are supposed to be living in the land of the free and home of the brave, regardless of race you would think that we could get a little justice........NOT SO. And with this new hash tag #crimingwhilewhite it seems as if black folk are the only ones at the receiving end of police brutality.

It also amazes me of the responses I see on Facebook telling black folk to get over it, justice has been serve (in the case of the non-indictment of Darren Wilson in the murder of Mike Brown) or I wish we could all just get along. We in your perfect non-police harassing world that's fine for you but it doesn't work for us. See I notice that people don't want to face the stark reality that there is a mission to kill and incarcerate that black man at any it seems. And we can't just easily get over it.

Let's reverse the rolls (as Matthew McConaghey did in A Time To Kill) so white folk are the ones being harassed, killed and brutally murdered by black cops. What would you be thinking or do if you saw a black cop beating up a elderly, defenseless white woman on the side of the road. Or how about a black cop pull over a family of white people and began shooting in there car, or how about this one a black cop continuously stating that he is threatened by white males. What would be your response? Because as history has shown us the white man has always been the aggressor when it comes to violence, since the beginning of time......if you wish to objectively look at history.

My point is this, none of what is going is justice, it is out right murder and it seems that law enforcement is backed by politicians and the BS laws in place. If they're even following the laws, in which they broke the law using the chokehold on Eric Garner.

So........what is the solution? What are we going to do about all this injustice against the black man, the black family? We need leaders and solutions, what are we gonna do y'all?

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