Happy New Year’s ladies......
As I start this public journey of Encouraging and Empowering young girls and women....and some old. I sit back and think of all the women that have Encouraged and Empowered me along the way. The special women in my life......family, friends and Facebook friends alike have touched my life in some shape form or fashion. Your family of course are always the ones that make an impression on you, they try to give you advice and direction and hopefully you end up in the place that they dreamed for you. But strangers or nonfamily well a lot of times they don't know how much they have touched your life until you let them know. Well here I go, I want to let all the women in my life know how they have touched my life in whatever type of way....big or small.
Aunt Millie, Aunt Tiya they were always there for me, when some had given up on me they never did. They never judged me for my mistakes; they always showed me love and taught me how to take care of myself and my babies. I will always be indebted to them for that, they loved me when I didn't love myself. They took care of me and my child when others should have....family isn't always biological. Aunt Velora, she has been a Godsend for me, she has always shown me how to be a lady, how to beautiful and classy all at the same time. She too never judged me...when others did and she continues to do so till this day. She has shown me that you can love God, love others as well as yourself while doing his work. She is that virtuous women to me.
My girlfriends have been like sisters to me, we have laughed, cut up, cried and disagreed all at the same time. All while being sister friends.....for instance Yolanda, I absolutely love how she handles her business all while being free and loving life. She knows how to let down her hair and have a good time but when duty calls, she’s all about business. She takes care of everyone around her and asks for nothing in exchange. She is classy and beautiful, crazy and fun, she loves the Lord and it shows in how she takes care of everything and everyone……no questions asked. That's what I love about her. She surrounds herself with confident, beautiful, smart, classy women and it's a joy just being apart of a great bond.
My best friend DiDi......now she's a crazy one, we have had some great times. We can talk for hours about everything or nothing at all, we can go out and have a good time or we cannot talk for days but when we do it's as if we just spoke minutes ago. She has this IDGAF attitude sometimes and it's funny as crap....hey sometimes I wish I could have that same attitude, but I do know that she loves hard and I know that I am one of those people she loves. She is smart, tough and soft at the same time, but overall she has shown herself to be a good friend.
I have and know so many other women that I adore just as much. We may not talk often, we may not even see each other very often but I adore them all the same. Past and recent past coworkers, we have had great times, sharing personal stories and hurts, loves and loss’s, we’ve traveled together, partied together and had some great times. They have encouraged me and pushed me forward towards my dreams. These are the women that have touched my life….thank you.
For my FB friends, you have added so much to my life by how you live yours. Katasha aka Kae Bee I love how you travel the world, loving life while handling your business. Traci Gibson, Leslie and Gina I love how you push your daughters to excellence all while teaching them to be ladies with class and morals. Latifah I love how you're not afraid to love......over and over again. That's a beautiful thing.
To Tonya you have made sure that your son Justin is not a product of the system. You as well as your husband and family have been there for him 100%, pushing him to excellence and making sure that he succeeds. A mothers love, there is none like it. Lisa aka Lil momma....I love how you love your adult children, they will always be your babies. No matter how old they get, no one and nothing can come between that.
There are so many ladies that I think the world of (aunts, nieces, cousins, longtime friends, new friends), that have made and indelible impression on my life....big or small. Ladies that have Encourage and Empowered me, told me I can do anything and you will have my back when I do. Thank you ladies for being a part of my life, you make me want to be better, you make me want to continue to be the best me. And while being the best me I will Encourage and Empower others to be their best selves.
Well Said Sonya. I am so proud of the woman you've become. Keep seeking knowledge and showng compassion. You are truly a special person. Never stop Paying it forward!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, I learn from the best